I'm thinking about a career in esthetics, waxing or skin care. What do I need to know about a career as an Esthetician?
An esthetician career is one of the fastest growing professions in the US. With the emergence and popularity of waxing centers and skin care centers, combined with latest social trends and new skin technologies, the esthetician profession is projected to be one of the major growth sectors in the US economy for the next 5 years.
Why go to esthetician school?
All estheticians must be state licensed. The licensing process includes passing the state licensing exam. Estheticians train at vo-tech, beatuy schools and cosmetology schools to prepare for the state test.
What does a esthetician school certificate do for my esthetician career?
Graduating from a certified esthetician program or skin care program increases your career opportunities and salary potential. If you have a knack for working with your hands, are interested in skin care, waxing or dermatology, and are a people person, you are the ideal candidate for a waxing and skin care profession. Cosmetology school will help you get your esthecian certificate and prepare for the state esthetician license. Once you have your esthetician or waxing license, you will be able to reach your career job and salary goals. The beauty and cosmetology schools web site will teach you about different skin care training programs, the esthetician certification process and assist you selecting an esthetician school based on your location and budget.
Top Aesthetician Schools, Cosmetology and Esthetician Programs: