CA Massage Rooms for Rent Massage Rooms for Rent in California as of Wednesday, March 12th 2025.Register and receive E-mail Job Alerts when "new" massage rooms or jobs are posted in your California area. By State:
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Listing massage rooms for rent in California. Become a Massage Therapist or get CE credits in California.
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California Massage Therapist Jobs
If you are looking for a new job, or looking to get your massage therapist career started, view the latest CA Massage Therapist Jobs.
Massage Room Reviews
"I have been searching for a massage room to rent for 1 year. After giving up hope, I received an email massage room alert from I moved in 3 weeks later. PERFECT TIMING!"
- Trisha V., Independent Massage Therapist, Los Angeles, CA "We rented our massage room with office within 2 weeks from posting. The website was easy to use and reached a large number of massage therapists in my area. WOW!"
- James L., Building Owner, San Francisco, CA
Massage Rooms in the following major CA cities and surrounding areas.
- Alameda
- Alameda
- Butte
- Butte
- Contra Costa
- Contra Costa
- Fresno
- Fresno
- Kern
- Kern
- Los Angeles
- Los Angeles
- Marin
- Marin
- Monterey
- Monterey
- Orange
- Orange
- Riverside
- Riverside
- Sacremento
- Sacremento
- San Bernardino
- San Bernardino
- San Diego
- San Diego
- San Diego
- San Diego
- San Francisco
- San Francisco
- San Mateo
- San Mateo
- Santa Barbara
- Santa Barbara
- Santa Clara
- Santa Clara
- Santa Cruz
- Santa Cruz
- Sonoma
- Sonoma
- Ventura
- Ventura
FREE: Get information on massage schools, licensing requirements, massage school scholarships, aid and grants.